I am so glad you’re here.
Let me share some things I hear frequently from the people with whom I work: when they first come in, they reveal how anxious and stressed they feel. How they spend a lot of energy and time overthinking or second guessing themselves and finding it hard to trust themselves. Worrying to the point where even simple tasks feel impossible and it is difficult to enjoy the things they used to. How after awhile, feeling this way becomes depressing.
They are afraid to start anything new because they’re afraid they’re just going to mess it up and never get it right because perfectionism gets in the way.
Yet, the people around them see them as fine or even successful. Despite feeling like this, they are often “high functioning.” They go to school and work; they keep their commitments. This makes them feel obligated to keep up appearances and cannot say how much they actually suffer. They hide their inner struggles from their loved ones. Many of the people closest to them never know how much they actually struggle because they hide it so well.
Does this sound like you? Then, you’re in the right space.
This kind of hiding takes a toll until one day you barely feel alive.
Anxiety gets in the way of the life you want in so many ways.
You aren’t the kind of person, friend, parent you want to be. You may feel like you’re failing in your most important relationships.
Before many of my clients came to see me, they feared finding someone who could understand what they were feeling and being judged. Hiding their true feelings felt safer than revealing the truth.
You deserve to live authentically and show up as yourself.
Reach out now.
You can feel better.